Meet the "critters"

Critters will be added as I publish them...

** colored pencil and ink on bristol

I don't really know why... but I really wanted to draw some silly sheep. I've always thought sheep were cute...

This is my first attempt at drawing sheep... One is grinning like it did something or wants something, and the other is just minding his own business, eating away.  It reminds me of all the times I've screwed up, and gone to my hubby with the same type of smile, to ask for help and forgiveness. Usually, thankfully,  it's nothing major. The last time, I ran the new weed-eater out of line within 20 minutes... (it's not the first time). I just don't seem to be able to get the hang of those darn things...  I'm really lucky and thankful to have such an understanding and supportive husband!  =)

Daydreaming Alligator 
** colored pencil and ink on bristol 

My daughter, Ally, wanted me to try to draw her as an alligator in a silly pose...
This is my first attempt at it... hope you like it  =)

I personally like what my friend Bill said about it...
(hope you don't mind me quoting you ;O)  )

LOL. Looks like they're looking up at an over head menu(of course that would come from me right?) the thought bubble..."hhmmmm crab rangoon, general tsaos, or ...oooohhhhhh yeah, sweet and sour pork with some beefn broccoli"  or " lets see....raspberry bubble gum flavor or the fudge swirl cookie dough."

He's very funny... =)